
A little Voodooing to start the season...
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Author:  Hounddog [ May 2nd, 2016, 10:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A little Voodooing to start the season...

I am glad you made the post above. I am one of the oldest TORC members and been involved in boat racing since 1964. I do feel like an old fart most of the time. A post like yours renews my hope.I know there are many of us with similar ideas and ways to help promote the club. The way you show the T classes is doable within the current set up. Initially we were able to split the novice and pro drivers when we had the larger boat counts. I agree it would be nice to see a hobby group of racers. I keep trying to get the 50 to 55 mph lake racers to come out.

Author:  Carson [ May 2nd, 2016, 10:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A little Voodooing to start the season...

^ now theres some logical thinking. Im all about the entry level or beginers class. To really get people involved you need some type of class that the averaged family with kid or 2 can build/ buy and power with an easily available motor and go have some fun. They keep making that mistake at the local nascar track. 4 cylinder class used to be the cheap, fun class. Every year they keep modifying the rules to make the cars faster, no theres guys with $12,000 4cyl engines in there cars. So it's impossible to be competitive unless you have big $$. So they brought out another class, " mighty mini" which is basically what 4cyl used to be until they start changing thoes rules to lol. Im no expert in running a race organization but between being involved with a variety of racing and president of a snowmobile club, you definitely have to cater to the new people a lot more than the bigger race classes. If it seems to expensive just to try it out people wont even bother and look for a different sport to get involved with.

Author:  Carson [ May 2nd, 2016, 11:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A little Voodooing to start the season...

Almost need a " run what ya brung" class for newbies, max boat length and power. Lots of older 13/14 ski boats out there relatively cheap with half decent power. Most people who are into boats probably have one kicking around anyway lol

Author:  Hydroid [ May 2nd, 2016, 11:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A little Voodooing to start the season...

Here we go again,...seasonal TORC bashing carousel fired up, what they should/not do; stupid TORC!
So, here I go, again:

TORC Exec are volunteers, maxed out in time and stress levels, with limited ability, capacity and energy.
Repeatedly same voices spewing forth via forums what TORC should do, then scatter like cock roaches when lights come on, to avoid proactively realizing an opportunity with a low fun factor time investment.
Example: Every year Andrew Fralick asks for volunteers to assist at TIBS, like pulling teeth, crickets, so fuck it, 2016 didn't happen at single largest annual boating event.
TORC should race here/there, do this/that,....TORC Execs are a clique of ten thumbed morons, the rest a buncha plywood board antique fume headed racing mongoloid hillbillies.
Good to clear the air, put them in their place,...again, for 2016.

James, you have great skills sets, initiative & technical expertise for promotion/marketing. TORC Exec does not; they're more wrenching, kinda guys. There, that's clear & addressed.

I sit back and watch the TORC FB page and shake my head...
You should have a Youtube channel that fires off awesome videos of the events
Twitter should be rippin off Tweets from the pits racers trash talking other racers
instagram should have a Raceday hash tag
They should put some actual money into their website

How about it, put together a proposal with your ideas, call Rob Dixon, Jim Hunter, get going; or present it to others within T/Drag. Attend Waterford, shoot video, spend a few hours editing a demo video, post here, sell the value.
Sorry, presumptuous of me, new at this, likely have it wrong.
You prepared to do this pro bono, or not worth your time/too busy?...if not prepared to volunteer time/resources, propose your fee structure? Obviously you sold Canam/others your value.

Well Tiger, worth your time?...or TORC's just an amateur shit show? Which is it?

BTW, great Voodoo video, i'll seek your FB page, post 'I Like'; you'll feel good, i'll feel good, you'll feel good..... :mrgreen: ah, happy emoticon displayed; I know from seeing this on KAL's numerous nonsensical rants/proddings, that means we're still good/cool.

Author:  LittleCharger [ May 2nd, 2016, 12:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A little Voodooing to start the season...

Hydroid wrote:
Here we go again,...seasonal TORC bashing carousel fired up, what they should/not do; stupid TORC!
So, here I go, again:

TORC Exec are volunteers, maxed out in time and stress levels, with limited ability, capacity and energy.
Repeatedly same voices spewing forth via forums what TORC should do, then scatter like cock roaches when lights come on, to avoid proactively realizing an opportunity with a low fun factor time investment.
Example: Every year Andrew Fralick asks for volunteers to assist at TIBS, like pulling teeth, crickets, so fuck it, 2016 didn't happen at single largest annual boating event.
TORC should race here/there, do this/that,....TORC Execs are a clique of ten thumbed morons, the rest a buncha plywood board antique fume headed racing mongoloid hillbillies.
Good to clear the air, put them in their place,...again, for 2016.

James, you have great skills sets, initiative & technical expertise for promotion/marketing. TORC Exec does not; they're more wrenching, kinda guys. There, that's clear & addressed.

I sit back and watch the TORC FB page and shake my head...
You should have a Youtube channel that fires off awesome videos of the events
Twitter should be rippin off Tweets from the pits racers trash talking other racers
instagram should have a Raceday hash tag
They should put some actual money into their website

How about it, put together a proposal with your ideas, call Rob Dixon, Jim Hunter, get going; or present it to others within T/Drag. Attend Waterford, shoot video, spend a few hours editing a demo video, post here, sell the value.
Sorry, presumptuous of me, new at this, likely have it wrong.
You prepared to do this pro bono, or not worth your time/too busy?...if not prepared to volunteer time/resources, propose your fee structure? Obviously you sold Canam/others your value.

Well Tiger, worth your time?...or TORC's just an amateur shit show? Which is it?

BTW, great Voodoo video, i'll seek your FB page, post 'I Like'; you'll feel good, i'll feel good, you'll feel good..... :mrgreen: ah, happy emoticon displayed; I know from seeing this on KAL's numerous nonsensical rants/proddings, that means we're still good/cool.

Like 8-)

Author:  OneCycle [ May 2nd, 2016, 12:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A little Voodooing to start the season...

My simple advise... don't even take the racers input on Marketing and public involvement strategy... rules and regulations sure.

Sponsors want value in there "brand" being noticed. sponsors bring money.. 75% of most marketing and advertising budgets go into Social Media now.

Create the Demand to Participate

What i would Suggest is a Media Package:

- YouTube Channel is KEY this would be your Bread and Butter. Race day highlights, summery video and Awards Highlights.
- Facebook Updates on Published videos and Class winners supported by photos of Highlights.
- Twitter Synced with Facebook with Real time tweets about racing highlights during the races.
- Instagram with a simple hashtag for the event.... so the fans, the racers the linemen can use the hash tag and you create a race day tour from every prospective where the fans and sponsors feel part of the excitement.

you could have companies sponsor a class so every time your talking about the T750 Class on social media it would be-
"The HomeHardware T-750 Classes are up next"
"The TimHortons T-850 Classes are up next"

THEN Tim hortons Puts up a Purse on the Tim Hortons Sponsored T-850 Class so the winner gets 300 bucks from the class sponsor.... then repeat on every class.

Author:  OneCycle [ May 2nd, 2016, 12:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A little Voodooing to start the season...

The more Social Media involvement Torc has the more selling power you have for Sponsors.

Author:  dubber [ May 2nd, 2016, 5:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A little Voodooing to start the season...

James I think what Hydroid is saying is will you volunteer with said ideas to help get it going? I volunteer with other organizations and as often is the case there are precious few hands to do the work.

Author:  Hounddog [ May 2nd, 2016, 8:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A little Voodooing to start the season...

just my opinion!
We are at a crossroads with TORC. We have been in an up cycle for the last few years. We have not modernized the club and it has been luck more than future planning that has got us the success. We are wrench thinkers and not web thinkers. Growth in part must come from attracting people that are not from boat racing families. Racers love to race. They will race a snowmobile in the winter and a motorcycle in the summer. Those are good prospects and we need to compete with the other motor sports to get them boat racing. Where do those racers look and what do they look at? James is dead on! People say I am trying to do things that TORC does not have the manpower to do and make TORC larger. Wrong!! We need to protect what we have or it will disappear. Keep doing things the same way and expecting the same result does not work anymore. The want it now generation does not think that way , nor are they old school thinkers. Even if it costs some money we need to get more web promotion. Remember if we can get some of these web people, new generation racers in the club, they will step up. They don't turn wrenches they want to press buttons.

Author:  KAL Racing [ May 2nd, 2016, 9:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A little Voodooing to start the season...

"Quote Hydroid ... :mrgreen: ah, happy emoticon displayed; I know from seeing this on KAL's numerous nonsensical rants/proddings, that means we're still good/cool.Quote"

:roll: nice!
Back'r up about 20% with the theatrics there Bud :mrgreen: You girls have too you lighten up and read between the lines Bud without prodding :mrgreen:

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