
New place to promote our sport..videos
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Author:  Hounddog [ June 20th, 2012, 4:26 pm ]
Post subject:  New place to promote our sport..videos


Author:  chuck [ June 26th, 2012, 4:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New place to promote our sport..videos

Hi All,

Sorry if this is in the wrong place, I only posted this here because Hounddog posted a link and to try to give a little bit more information about it. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.

Anyway, to the main purpose of this post:

Check out this new website, http://www.powerboatracingtv.com at
the moment there is not a lot going on, but the number of members, videos and
photos should steadily rise. It is up to the racers, teams’, sponsors and fans
to populate the site.

Powerboat Racing TV is exactly (more or less) like YouTube (on steroids) for Boat
Racers with some extra bells and whistles, its free to join and you can upload
(or download if you register) as many videos and photos as you like, there is
also the option of uploading your music, though this is disabled at the moment
until I do some help docs to keep the file sizes down. If you already have your
vids and pics somewhere else you can just use a URL link to show off you stuff,
no need to re-upload to Powerboat Racing TV.

Although there is nothing at all wrong with YouTube, Powerboat
Racing TV was created to try and keep all our Boat Racing videos in one place
for easy access. Over the coming weeks I will create a set of help and demo
docs but basically if you can use YT you should be OK with Powerboat Racing TV.

I am currently compiling a help doc showing how the Group
system can be used for either a Team or Club area that allows the Group owner
to invite members to join the Group with the option of allowing members to
upload content or have the Group admin be solely responsible for content.

There is also the option to have racer profiles on the front
page which would help increase visibility; each profile will link to the
drivers Channel where there would normally be videos and photos of the driver
along with information. How everyone chooses to use it is up to them. Any videos
or photos can be ‘Liked’ by the Facebook Comments and it will automatically be
included on your FB page.

If there are enough people using the site I will add some
apps so that you can upload videos and pictures straight from your mobile

Some of the features are listed below, and if it is used
enough I will extend the capabilities,

Search Engine
Favourite, comments, ratings and reporting

Facebook Comments (puts the vid or pic on your wall)
Groups system

Don’t forget, it is up to you to populate the site. As this is for Powerboat
Racing I will delete any offensive videos.

There is also plenty of room for sponsors and advertising,
I’ll update more info on this later.

Spread the word around to everyone both at home and abroad.
Also please let me know what you think.

Kind Regards!


P.s. I forgot to mention that the website is fully HTML5 compatible, which means that you can watch any videos uploaded on your mobile devices. Also, there is no loss of quality when you upload any format and it is converted into mp4. I mention this as with most other sites like this there is normally a compromise between video quality and mobile compatibility.

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